To all who order from

I am attaching a letter that I received entailing the intracacies of handpaintedyarn & sanfelipesantiago’s shipping process’. Here you go!

Dear Chauntel.
I am happy it arrived on time.
The operation is like this. All the orders received are sent the same day to the U.S.A. There are sorted and forwarded. The whole process take around ten days. It is not fast but to keep all the stock in the U.S.A and send directly from there it would …

Today…what could have been…

I really was hoping that today would have been a kick-ass knitting day. But, alas, no such day for me. Stress about work (the hubby’s co. & Tracy’s job, that is), in-laws coming into town, bday tomorrow (and no Disneyland trip ), and I still have not finished the last felted bag for Tyler’s teacher.

So, as of now, 7pm, I am about half finished with the bag. It shouldn’t be too bad to finish but I just can’t seem …

One bag down, one to go!

So in the midst of knitting projects & acquiring a new angora bunny, we are getting a new piano. Unfortunately my living room is barely big enough to hold the 5 of us let alone much furniture. So I am in the middle of furniture moving. Luckily my couches are easy to move. So I am trying to move only the easy to move objects. What I would like to do is move the entire room around…entertainment center, 2 bookshelves, …

Sewing circle Tuesday @ the Andreasen house

Today was the day for sewing the charity blankets. Tracy, Erin and Jayme came over for coffee & sewing on my living room floor. Below are the photos of the first finished blanket. Unfortunately I didn’t think of actually taking pictures of us all hunched over while sewing them together.

We had enough squares for one blanket & only 4 short for the second blanket.  So tonight or tomorrow I will get the others done so that we have enough …