Single Crochet Beanie Pattern

Single Crochet Beanie  (as seen on my kids in dozens of previous photos)



Worsted weight yarn

Size H or I hook

Chain 3, join with sl st

SC 6 in ring

Rnd 1: 2sc in each sc around, mark beginning of round with tail from chain cast on, 12 sts

Rnd 2: *1sc in first sc, 2sc in next sc; rep from * around

Rnd 3: *1sc in 2sc, 2sc in next sc; rep from * around

Rnd 4: *2sc in first sc, 1sc in next 3 sc; rep from * around

Rnd 5: *1sc in 4sc, 2sc in next sc; rep from * around

Rnd 6: *2sc in first sc, 1sc in next 5sc; rep from *around

Rnd 7: *1sc in 6sc, 2sc in next sc; rep from * around

Rnd 8: *2sc in first sc, 1sc in next 7sc; rep from *around

Rnd 9: *1sc in 8sc, 2sc in next sc; rep from * around

Rnd 10: *2sc in first sc, 1sc in next 9sc; rep from * around

Rnd 11: *1sc in 10sc, 2sc in next sc; rep from *around

Rnd 12: *2sc in first sc, 1sc in next 11sc; rep from * around

Rnd 13: *1sc in 12sc, 2sc in next sc; rep from * around

Round 14 until the hat is the desired length: sc in all sts around and around and around

I hope by this point you see the pattern emerging. I usually go to Rnd 13 for a mans hat, Rnd 11 for a youth or womens hat, Rnd 10 for a childs hat, Rnd 9 for a toddler hat and Rnd 8 for a baby hat.

This is more of a guideline pattern, you can make your first hat and then adjust the crown rounds to your desired size adding increases if needed by doing more rounds in the set pattern.
